Commander Kunzite's Interview Elemental Commander Lord Kunzite

Commander Kunzite in his Elemental Guard uniformAs you step into the first of the suite of southern-facing rooms on this floor with Dianna, you notice that the entire chamber--rather modestly furnished but having a number of paintings on the black stone walls--is decorated in shades of red and violet-pink. Waist-high, mahogany bookcases line the walls, while a large desk and leather-upholstered chair are stright ahead of you near the opposite wall, just to the right of a door that leads to another room. Sitting at the desk and leaning back in the chair is Kunzite, a sketchbook balanced on a knee as he draws something with a charcoal pencil. He looks up as you and Di walk in, and smiles slightly, closing the book and setting it aside at the corner of his mahogany with the pencil.

Greetings. You're here for the interview that will serve as a character profile, correct?

::Nods her head::

::Smiles just a bit more:: Very well, I'm ready.

Okay. State your name and rank, please.

Elemental Commander Lord Kunzite, Warrior of Elemental Fire, Commander of the Elemental Guard.

Age and birthday?

::Chuckles softly:: I stepped from the Mirror to start my existence on August 23 nearly 4 billion years ago. Putting it in perspective, that would make me something along the lines of around 30 for a human. The analogy's accurate enough for our purposes.

::Nods, since she's already known this:: Next question: Height and weight?

I'm 6'4" tall and weigh about 215 lbs. on Earth.

::Smiles slightly:: Color of your hair and eyes?

::Looks amused:: Silver-blond hair with faint lavender highlights, pale-lavender eyes.

So tell me, what are your duties as one of the Elemental Guard of Lithos?

::Sits back a moment and looks thoughtful:: In this reality, we are the equivalent of the Outer Senshi, protecting the far edges of Space against the intrusions of Chaos and maintaining the balance of the Cosmos wherever we happened to patrol. As the leader, it fell to me to make the final decisions as to who would do what in a plan and to see that the plan was executed to the best of our abilities. It was also my responsibility to deal with any local authority we encountered and to see to it that we represented the Guardian of Space with honor. Thus I was also responsible for the behavior of the others wherever we went. ::Smiles faintly:: Basically, I was Lord Obsidian's liason to the outer reaches of Space.

All right, Kunzite, could you possibly give us a list of the powers at your command?

Well, it's not possible to list everything I can do, since I have the ability to improvise the application of my powers as a situation dictates. But I can give generalities and a few specific verbal calls.

First and foremost are the powers we Elemental warriors share in common. These would be telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, pyrokinesis and illusionary disguise. In addition to those are the twin powers we need to function on other planets: translation magic, which allows us to hear, speak and read the native language we're at no matter how strange the language, and chameleon power, which basically allows us to blend into the locale and obscures our identity to the natives. I believe that the Senshi may also have these powers as well.

Like all other Gemlords, I also don't physically age now that I've reached full maturity. I'm immune to all diseases and toxins, and have the ability to function normally in just about any environment--including the vacuum of space--through magical life-support. I can be killed, though. ::Pauses, frowns darkly, then mutters something about being an idiot and not teleporting:: Anyway, ::sighs:: if seriously wounded, I can revert to my soulstone and remain comatose--in a regenerative state--until I regain enough energy to re-form my physical body. And if I'm killed, Lord Obsidian has the ability to restore me to life so long as my soulstone remains intact.

As for the powers specific to me, they all tend to deal with the flow, strength and control of energy in its various forms. As the Warrior of Elemental Fire, I represent energy and intensity, and my powers reflect that. Basic attacks for me are energy bursts and beams, with only a thought to bring them into being. I can also amplify, minimize or change the form of energy I encounter, as well as absorb it into my system. One reason why I wear a cape all the time. ::Chuckles:: I have it enchanted to suck up energy attacks.

::Nods:: You mentioned a few verbal triggers...

Yes. ::Grins a bit:: There are six that I commonly use. "Fire Cosmic Electrify" is my personal force field, a rose-colored sphere that protects against all attacks. Drawn from the power of the Universe itself, it can withstand just about anything. "Fire Energy Electrify" is a variation of my protective field, an inversing of the surface if you will. In that case, it acts as a trap for whomever is within, allowing me to shoot into it, but they can't attack out of it. And if I think they don't need that much room, a call of "Fire Energy Shrink" will collapse the field around the targets, crushing them in its grasp. A final variation on my force field is "Energy Absorption", where the sphere that surrounds me acts as a sponge, soaking up any energy that touches it and allows me to amplify it and throw it back as an attack of my own. It's an ability that I've found rather handy at times.

::Pauses a moment, then continues:: There are two other triggers which are basically offensive weapons. "Fire Blade" creates a blade of violet-pink energy which I can make as short as a dagger or as long as a two-handed sword. :: A grim smile:: I can wield it with deadly accuracy, no matter the length I make it. The last of my verbal triggers are the weapons I'm known the best for by anyone who's seen my anime counterparts. "Fireblade Slice" creates the pair of energy slicers that resemble violet-pink boomerangs. The pair are under my telekinetic control, and I'm able to redirect their flight with just a thought. I'm well-known for being deadly with them as well.

So I've heard. ::Smiles:: Any likes, dislikes or hobbies you'd care to tell us about?

::Sits up straighter in the chair, looking thoughtful:: Well, my one hobby worth mentioning is that I'm an artist of sorts. I sketch and paint quite a bit in my spare time. ::Gestures to the sketchbook he'd set aside on the table:: That one there is just the latest in a long series of books I've doodled in, and some of my paintings can be seen in various spots around the Tower--mainly here and in Zoisite's room. My other hobbies include calligraphy, origami and flower arrangements. ::He smiles quite a bit at that:: When I'm inspired, I can create some very interesting effects with a flower arrangement.

As far as likes and dislikes go, well, one thing I cannot stand is someone acting in a dishonorable manner. That person quickly loses whatever respect I have for them with that kind of behavior. I also dislike rude or obnoxious behavior, but I've learned to appear to at least tolerate such since I tend to encounter it in my travels. ::Chuckles softly:: And I hate cantelopes and melons of all sorts. Never did like the taste of them.

On the other hand, I like romantic settings like a tropical beach or a waterfall, reading poetry, watching plays and opera and philosophical discussions. In my time at Queen Serenity's Court before the coming of the Negaverse, I would often sit with Her Serene Majesty and talk about many things as they came to mind. ::Smiles slightly:: There are times I miss having those conversations, but my current partner is another with whom I can hold such talks.

Current partner? ::Gives him a look of curiosity::

Yes. She is a Terran by the name of Katrina, and she's a very intriguing personality. Strikingly beautiful appearance, fiercely loyal, wonderful to be with . . . ::For once, his expression isn't a faint, slightly icy one. He smiles brightly:: And she makes for a gorgeous subject to paint.

::Giggles at Kunzite, amused by his obvious distraction:: Well, I believe that's all I have for my questions. Thanks for your time.

::Grins:: It was a pleasure, Dianna. ::Nods to the guests:: And nice to see you, kind visitors. May you enjoy the rest of your tour of my Lord's humble abode.

::Giggles softly as she leads you out of Kunzite's room. As you go, and right before the door closes, you see the silver-haired Elemental turn and pick up the sketchbook, apparently resuming whatever drawing it was he was working on when you walked in. Once you're back out in the hallway, Dianna smiles at you:: Okay, would you like to go bother another Gemlord, or would you rather go somewhere else in the Tower?

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This page formatted and © 2000 by Dianna Silver

"The Silverlands", "The Obsidian Tower", "A Character's Chronicle: Zoey's Story", "Alpha Psi", "Argent Stag, Silver Rose" and the "Rose Realm" all © 1997 - 2000 by Dianna Silver. Some material also © 1998-2000 by Krissy Ryan, © 1998-2000 by Corvus and © 1998 by Callista Jade.

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