The Overt Operations/Peacekeeping Corps

Though the majority of the intelligent races of the Cosmos have no idea that the Gemlords of Lithos exist or what they do, there are a number of cultures that are aware of the Guardian of Space, the Vortex Mirror and the small number of powerful individuals who have been charges with watching over the integrity of the very existence of Space. For those cultures, their dealings with the Gemlords is usually through this group of highly skilled and usually diplomatic people.

Freed from the burden of having to keep who and what they are a secret--though these individuals as well are still bound by the code to never reveal anything the culture they are dealing with doesn't already know about--Lord Adamant and those under him act as peacekeepers, negotiators, arbitrators and warriors who are allies to those who would oppose the machinations of Chaos. They try to lead through example, showing other cultures how to be honorable warriors and magicians, using their powers for the good of all.

Lord Adamant Lord Magnetite Lord Serpentine Lord Heliodor Lady Amazonite
SiC TiC Highest
Lady Brazilianite Lady Phosphophylite Lord Microcline

The Core of Lithos The Intelligence Corps Covert Operations Overt Operations The Domestic Corps Agents of Dream and Nightmare Gemlord master list

Lithos Miscellaneous

This page formatted and © by Dianna Silver. "The Silverlands" © 1997 - by Dianna Silver. All Rights Reserved