Lord Commander Nephrite

Commander Nephrite in his Elemental Guard uniformThis room occupies the northern quarter of this floor of the round Tower. Like the other bedrooms found on this floor, there's a desk and chair, bookcase, wardrobe, dresser and bed. Green is the dominate color here, with a forest-green carpet and emerald-green bedding being the most obvious things at first glance. Nephrite warmly smiles and waves at you and Di when you step inside, and he jumps onto his bed to take a seat. Di giggles slightly as the Gemlord bounces a second.

So, you're ready?

::Smiles more:: Go right ahead, Di-chan. Ready as I'll ever be.

::giggles again:: All righty then . . . Name and rank?

Lord Commander Nephrite, Warrior of Elemental Earth, Commander of the Northern Quarter, Second-in-Command of the Elemental Lords. ::pauses and smiles:: As a human, Nathan Sanford, "nephew" of Maxfield Stanton.

Age and birthday? And a human equivalent to your age?

::chuckles slightly:: May 19, 2 and 1/4 billion years. That would make me.. oh . . . around my middle 20's I guess. Hard to say, since we don't age after a certain point. As Nathan, I'm a 15-year-old human.

Okay, height and weight?

::another chuckle:: Let's see.. I'm 6'0" and I think I'm around 185 lb.. on Earth. As Nathan, I'm just over 5'7" and 140. I'm actually shorter than Zoisite then . . . and barely taller than Lita.

::grins at Nephrite:: I know this is obvious, but go ahead and state it for everyone. Hair and eye color?

::teasingly:: Now you throw me a tough one. ::chuckles again:: As both my normal self and a human, I've got dark reddish-brown hair and jade-green eyes.

::Nods, still grinning:: Now how about telling us about what you do.

Hrmmm. Well, what I do is try to make it through another day in one piece. ::Grins:: Heh, it's really not that bad . . . Lessee . . . As a member of the Elemental Guard, my duties were basically being the medic and the one in charge of communications and the keeping of supplies. Wherever we were, I was the one who made sure that our base of operations ran smoothly and that we had whatever we needed to accomplish our mission. However, I can fight with the best of them if called to do so-- it's just that I was normally left behind to ensure the safety of our base. Plus, because of my powers as a Healer, I was also there to patch things up should something go wrong with a fellow Elemental, since their first instinct would be to panic-port back to base if things suddenly took a nasty turn for the worst.

Now, as far as Nathan's concerned, I just need to navigate the hazards of junior high, get my homework done, try to pay attention to what the teachers are telling me, and still keep an eye on all the investments I set up for both myself and the other Elementals. ::He grins a bit:: Though I used to divine through the stars where to invest our fortunes-- and I can't use that power while a human-- I've found that I have a natural instinct for playing the investment game. All of our finances have done well lately.

::Looks just a bit surprised:: You guys need money?

::Chuckles a bit:: Of course we do. There have been few places in our travels that didn't have an economy of some sort going. And it's quite a bit easier getting things accomplished when you have plenty of money to throw around. While we were in the Negaverse, I was the only one who touched our investments-- which are scattered throughout a number of civilized planets, not just Terra, and are kept track of through the computer system here at the Tower-- and I just picked up where I left off once I was back from the dead. When I agreed to rejoin the Elemental Guard, I started back in on watching over the fortunes of the other three. ::Grins:: So you see, I really do have a bunch of money as Nathan.

You mentioned Healing just a moment ago. Could you please describe what powers you do have for us?

Sure thing. Well, everyone knows that I'm an astrologer first and foremost. I can call into being the Orrery-- a mystical vision that shows me the movements of the planets within the Solar system. Yes, I realize that it sounds egotistical for the star system in which Terra and Lithos both were in to determine the ebb and flow of all probability within the whole Cosmos, but you need to remember that the Orrery is just a symbol for me to use. Since I'm a native to the Solar system and grew up feeling the probability patterns as tied to the dance of my native system's planets, that's what I see no matter where I am. Think of it as another form of translation-- the probability patterns of any area are translated into something I can understand. Same goes for the star-youma I can create. I grew up familiar with the constellations that surrounded Lithos, and learned to use their likenesses to create energy monsters at my command. No matter where I go, I keep the knowledge of those patterns within me. Thus I can be on the other side of the Milky Way galaxy and still be able to summon Leo the Lion to my side with "Constellation Energize".

You know, for someone tied to the skies, I'm surprised that you're the Warrior of Elemental Earth.

::Broadly smiles:: Well, I can do the typical Earth Elemental things, such as moving dirt around, making localized earthquakes, shaping and molding earth and stone, as well as influence plants and stuff like that. But the Earth Element goes farther than that. It represents the unity and physical manifestation of Nature itself. Thus my Earth power also shows up as an ability to draw on cosmic power and read the dance of the stars. The Music of the Spheres is my constant companion when I'm not cut off from it as Nathan. The Earth Element is also where my Healing and empathy comes from; it's just another way of maintaining the unity of Nature.

Any other powers, Nephrite?

I do have the powers common to my race and to the Elemental Guard. Like the others, I don't age in this form-- as Nathan, cut off from just about everything, I do age like a normal human-- and should I be severely injured, I can revert to my soulstone of nephrite jade. If I'm killed, then Lord Obsidian can bring me back. ::Pauses, looking thoughtful:: However, as Nathan, I don't have any of those available. I'm as vulnerable as any other human, and I'm not sure what would happen to me if I were killed in that form. I guess that would depend on whether I've redeemed myself or not.

::Shakes his head, frowning slightly:: Anyway, on with the list. I've got telepathy, pyrokinesis, teleportation, telekinesis-- though I don't use that one much since I like to keep my feet on the ground-- and the disguise power that I used so well as Maxfield Stanton. Two other powers made me successful as passing myself off as a rich businessman-- the ability to translate any language, whether written or spoken, and to speak and write fluently in that language, and the power to blend into my surroundings. In fact, even my wooded hill on which my mansion sits is cloaked by that. ::Chuckles:: That's the reason why no one really noticed a forested hill just appearing on the outskirts of the district of Tokyo where the Sailor Senshi were active.

Nephrite's mystic symbolThere's one last power I need to mention, since it's the only one I really have access to as Nathan. If you recall my career as a Negaverse warrior, you know I used to put a mystic mark on someone that gathered up their energy and kept me in touch with how their biorhythms were progressing. At the right moment, a youma would form and the excess energy was channeled to the Negaverse. Well, all that was a twisting of a certain power of mine. In its original form, it was a mark of blessing, giving the recipient a gateway from which they could draw upon the cosmic flow of probability in order to enhance their own personal power and to stack the deck in their favor, allowing good luck to follow them. I guess I was allowed to use that power in my human form so that I could pay back my victims for what I'd done, and it would also be easier to get around and do so as Nathan anyway-- but for whatever reason, that power has split from the rest. I can use it only in my human form. I can't use it as the Gemlord Nephrite anymore. ::Frowns slightly, then shakes his head:: As for verbal triggers, I don't tend to use them. "Constellation Energize" to bring a star-youma into being and "Stardust Disguise" to cast an illusionary appearance around myself are really the only two I use. The rest of what I say are more invocations to help me focus where I want my power to go, including the line everyone associates with me, "The movement of the stars rules everything." ::Chuckles:: That's just the start. I still have to let the Orrery know where I want to place my focus.

::Grins back at him:: Okay, any hobbies, like and dislikes you'd care to mention?

::Chuckles again:: My hobby and likes go hand-in-hand. I cook and enjoy eating gourmet food. It's a good thing I stay rather active. Otherwise I'd not be in as good as shape as I am. ::Winks:: I guess I can also say that another hobby of mine is teasing Zoisite. I've always actually have been fond of our youngest Elemental Commander-- I look on Zoi as a kid sibling-- but I tell you, Zoi needs to be reminded about that attitude he or she tends to get. And that leads to a dislike of mine-- people with attitudes and chips on their shoulders. Dealing with them always leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I can't stand dishonesty either, which is one reason I hate what the Negaverse did to me. I was, and still try to be, an honest person; the Negaverse turned me into a liar. That's not something I live with well, but live with it I must. I can't change the past. ::A long sigh, then a faint smile:: I love the outdoors. Nothing better than a nice walk through the woods, or a swim in a crystal-clear lake. And, of course, there's my fun and games dealing with investments, and my need for speed, racing around in my Ferrari. ::Makes a face:: Of course as Nathan, I'm too young to drive the thing. I have to just let it sit there in the driveway, staring at me.

::Laughs a bit:: But Nathan's fifteen. You don't have that long to wait.

Right. ::Big grin:: And now that I can transform into my true self for a limited time, I can sneak off for a spin before the transformation ends.

::Laughs again:: Why am I not surprised? Well, thanks a lot, Nephrite. It's been great letting us come in here and question you like this.

::Chuckles:: It was fun. ::Nods to the visitors:: Well, been having a good time so far tromping through the Tower with Di-chan? Hope so. I'd hate to be considered a bore. Nice to see you, and I hope you have a pleasant tour. ::Waves as you and Di go out the door::

Out in the hallway, Di turns and looks at you:: All right, what's our next destination?

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This page formatted and © 2000 by Dianna Silver

"The Silverlands", "The Obsidian Tower", "A Character's Chronicle: Zoey's Story", "Alpha Psi", "Argent Stag, Silver Rose" and the "Rose Realm" all © 1997 - 2000 by Dianna Silver. Some material also © 1998-2000 by Krissy Ryan, © 1998-2000 by Corvus and © 1998 by Callista Jade.

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