Lady Tanzanite

Lady Tanzie dressed for a dance.::Di-chan leads you to a door about half-way down the hall of the level she lead you to, then knocks lightly on the door. After a moment's pause, she smiles and leads you inside::

::Tanzanite looks up and smiles as you walk in. She's stretched out on her bed, lying on her stomach and reading a book. As you step inside and take a spot, she brushes a lock of her wavy, copper-blond hair behind an ear:: Hi there. Nice to see you. Here for the interview, right?

::Nods, smiling:: Yes, we are. Shall we get started?

Sounds good to me. ::Grins and pulls her slim form up to sit cross-legged on the blue-covered bed::

All right, let's start with the easy question. Your name and rank.

Lady Tanzanite, Intelligence Officer assigned to Lord Garnet's Special Operations. I'm his assistant. ::Grins, cheeks tinging a faint pink::

Mmm hmm. ::Giggles slightly:: Okay, age birthday, and a general physical description, please.

I'm 1.75 billion years old, fifth youngest of all the Gemlords, having stepped from the Mirror on October 30. Only my siblings Garnet, Alexandrite and Zoisite, along with Ametrine, are younger than I am. I stand 5'8" tall, have violet-blue eyes and wavy, copper-blond hair that falls to my hips. I'm slender and light for my height, but I'm going to pass on telling you my actual weight. ::A slight giggle:: Everyone tells me that I'm a slightly older, more "cute" version of Zoisite's feminine form. In fact, I even share the same birthday as Zoi. Only . . .

::Blinks, looking slightly surprised:: Only what?

Well . . . ::She looks faintly troubled, but only for a moment:: As you can see, I don't look older than Zoi or any of the others. Not now. I . . . was caught in an accident during a rescue mission, and my Healing power ended up regressing my body back to when I was the equivalent of a Terran of eighteen years of age.

I see. Does it bother you, this change?

::Shakes her head slightly in a negative gesture:: Not really. I mean, inside, I'm just the same, and I still am older after all. And since Gary doesn't seem to care . . .


Oh, sorry. Lord Garnet. My husband, and the most wonderful Gemlord to grace the Cosmos. ::She blushes again, slightly::

Ah . . . And you're his assistant?

::An indignant look:: If you're insinuating that we never get anything done, you're wrong.

::Holds up a hand in a gesture of appeasement:: Calm down, Tanzanite. I'm not insinuating anything. In fact, I think it's rather nice you get to work with him.

::Looks faintly abashed:: Oh, sorry. Um . . . Where were we?

We were discussing how alike you and Zoisite are in appearance.

::Smiles and nods slightly:: Oh yes, that's right. I'm not too surprised that we do, actually. After all, Zoisite and I basically incarations of the same jewel. Tanzanite's just another name for the violet-blue gemstone variety of the mineral zoisite.

Does that mean you and Zoisite have similar personalities and powers?

Not really. ::She shakes her head, light glittering on her wavy hair with the movement:: I can be every bit as cold or nasty as my sibling, but I'm not as constantly sarcastic as he or she can get. And though I'm also a curious sort, I'm not as compelled to find out everything about everyone as Zoi is.

There's a radical difference in powers as well. Zoi, as the Warrior of Water, focuses on ice and water-- as well as certain things that make him or her look prettier or lends him or her an air of superiority. Me, well, my powers focus on forming tanzanite crystals to be used as a variety of weapons, telekinesis, empathy, cryokinesis-- I can lower temperatures, freeze things, form ice and also form violet-blue flames that burn with coldness, not heat-- stoneshaping and Healing. Unlike most other Gemlords, who can shape and manipulate only their namesake stone through their powers, I can form and meld any type of stone. Apparently the combination of empathy, Healing and stoneshaping has given me one other power that seems to be exclusively mine; of all the Gemlords, I alone can reform a shattered Soulstone. ::She sighs and hangs her head. Her voice is very soft:: Unfortunately, I found out the hard way about that one. Empress Metallia, when I was still her tool as a Negaverse General, forced me into gathering the shards of two executed Gemlords and making them whole... ::Her voice trails off and she looks away::

Anyway, I have the powers common to my race as well-- telepathy, the ability to project a force field, the ability to instantly translate another language to something I can understand in either it's written or spoken form, the ability to disguise myself and blend into the native population of my current location. If I must, I can retreat into my soulstone and regenerate if I'm gravely wounded, and if I die, I can be brought back from my dead stone by Lord Obsidian's power. There's something else I can do, more of a talent than a power. I have a very good memory for places and detail. Once I've been somewhere, I can teleport back to it with uncanny ability or recall it with such clarity that another Gemlord can "see" that place accurately by tapping my memory. It comes in handy sometimes in my line of work.

An interesting list of abilities, Tanzanite.

Please, call me Tanzie. ::Smiles brightly:: I'm not hung up on formality, at least with those that have earned the right to be familiar to me. You have, of course, Di-chan, so please...

::Gives her a crooked smile:: All right, Tanzie. So, do you have any hobbies?

Hmm... I take photographs. I always carry around a small camera that can take an image and capture it as a holographic photograph. I have quite the collection, only... ::Pauses, smiling wryly:: I have none from the 500,000 years of my Dark Kingdom career. It wasn't something that was encouraged there. I also sing; I've been told that I have a rather spectacular singing voice. Since I can impress even Zoisite and Garnet, who're quite the musicians, I guess there's something to be said for my talent. Then there's reading; I love fantasy novels, artbooks and historical romances, and I also enjoy books on the natural sciences. I have a bookcase jammed full of such books, as you can very well see. ::She gestures off to her left, where the said item of furniture sits against the wall.

Anything that counts as a like or a dislike?

::She runs a hand through her copper-blond hair:: I suppose the biggest dislike is closed-minded people. I really hate that; I mean, everyone's different and others should accept that. Sure, I've made lots of mistakes in my past-- as has just about everyone else-- so there's no reason to be going around jumping to conclusions about something or someone. I also have a tough time with loud-mouths and big-shots; I got enough of that to last me a lifetime being a General of the Negaverse.

As for likes, there's a few. I like romance, getting together with my friends, excellent cooking, dancing to good music as well as singing along to songs I know, helping out my friends to the best of my ability, intelligent discussions on a variety of subjects, hentai humor and flirting. ::A nervous giggle:: Strictly recreational, but I did find it an effective way of getting people to volunteer information while I was in the Dark Kingdom. Sometimes though, I wish I wasn't so good at it.

::Raises an eyebrow:: Why's that?

Ummm... ::Blinks nervously, blushing slightly:: It gets hard telling people that you weren't really serious about it at times. For some reason, they just don't see it for the harmless fun I mean it to be.

I see. Well, is there anything else you'd like to mention?

::Grins brightly:: Yes. If you go see Gary after this, tell him that I love him with all my heart and that I'll be seeing him soon. Thanks so much for stopping by. ::She looks at you, smiling brightly:: Especially you. Hope you've been having fun so far.

::Giggles:: Thanks, Tanzie. We'll see you later. ::With that, Di-chan escorts you back out into the hallway and shuts the door:: Okay, where to now? We could find another Gemlord to talk to, check out the Library's Scriptorium, visit the Trophy Room, my room or the Hall of the Mirror. Sid said we could wander just about anywhere, so lead on...

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This page formatted and © 2000 by Dianna Silver

"The Silverlands", "The Obsidian Tower", "A Character's Chronicle: Zoey's Story", "Alpha Psi", "Argent Stag, Silver Rose" and the "Rose Realm" all © 1997 - 2000 by Dianna Silver. Some material also © 1998-2000 by Krissy Ryan, © 1998-2000 by Corvus and © 1998 by Callista Jade.

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